Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today marks my six-month anniversary as a California "resident." This is hard to believe...not because the time has flown by, but because I just don't feel like a Californian. I'm the first to admit it: I haven't embraced the Golden State like I should because I'm (still) terribly homesick for Ohio.

Ohio gets a bad rap, but I swear it has lots of redeeming qualities! (They have the prettiest license plates, even though they're about to change, and the best roller coasters on Earth.) Also, not everyone talks with an accent. (Not that there's anything wrong with an accent...I just like having non-regional diction.) Still, just because I speak like Veronica Corningstone doesn't mean I don't sound like I'm from Ohio. Here are some uniquely Ohio/Midwest phrases:

Pop- (n.) a soft drink
Why use two syllables and call it "soda" when you can just say "pop?"

Buggy- (n.) a basket on wheels used for shopping; often called a shopping cart
When I'm done putting the groceries in the car, will you please put the buggy in the buggy return?
NOTE: My husband is not a native Ohioan, and he hates this term. So I try to use it as often-- and as loudly-- as possible when we're at the store. "SOLOMON, are you getting the buggy or should I?" "Where did you leave the buggy" "Someone took our buggy!"

Out to Lunch- (adj.) too confused to function
That cashier was out to lunch; she forgot to give me change!
NOTE: This has been one of my great frustrations in California: I use this expression, and no one understands! But I honestly don't know any other phrases to express this sentiment. Help?

Life of Riley- (exp.) living a life of leisure; carefree; lazy
My brother is living the Life of Riley. All he did today was play video games and watch YouTube. 

Do you use or have you heard these phrases? What sayings are unique to your state?

1 comment:

  1. Those are really funny. I am originally from New Hampshire and we say soda instead of pop but The other three I have heard or used. New Hampshireites are also known for saying "wicked" a lot.
