Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Bad Case of the Meows

If you know me, you know I'm crazy about my cat. And I have good reason to be: Nala is delightful! (She enjoys people, loves to snuggle, plays fetch...I could go on and on.)

However, as of late, she's developed two less-than-delightful habits:

1. She's desperate to go outside. 

Anytime the door opens, the furball tries to escape (and is often successful.) When I leave, I either (a) have to physically hold her back or (b) throw a toy to distract her and make a run for it. When I come home, I have to put everything down, open the door slowly and catch her before she starts to bolt. Sometimes, before a big shopping trip, I'll sequester her in our bedroom/bathroom to avoid the hassle. (Don't worry; she has access to food, water and her litter box, and it's never for more than an hour or two.) Also, she is spayed, so I don't think she wants to go outside to find a boyfriend.

2. She won't stop meowing about it. 

Most of the time, the meowing fits are only a few minutes. But sometimes, they can last upward of an hour, if she's truly feeling persistent. She has plenty of food...she doesn't have a medical problem...she simply wants out. According to Google, I should either (a) ignore her, which sometimes works, or (b) distract her, which has stopped working. I used to be able to lure her away from the door with a toy. Now, it seems nothing is as interesting as the prospect of going outside. The neighbors have to be hearing her, which is my big concern.

I do make an effort to let kitten experience the Great Outdoors. I take her out on a leash about once a week. She hates her harness, but does pretty well once she's outside. (We had actually just returned from a walk when I took that video.) Also, we have a small balcony where I used to let her play. (But that stopped after our neighbor nearly had a heart attack watching her climb the railing.)  I know lots of people have indoor/outdoor cats, but unfortunately, it's not an option for us. Our apartment complex sits on top of a canyon where coyotes live, so it's not safe for her to roam free.

Fellow cat lovers, I need you. Any advice to make Nala content staying in the house?

(Proofreading this post, I wonder if she's just one spoiled cat...)

Mommy and Nally fast asleep (How could I stay mad at her?)

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