Sunday, February 26, 2012

Let's try this again.

Confession: This blog is old. Almost a year old, in fact. I started it last March, before I was even living a life of Lu. So why haven't I done any blogging? I've had plenty of experiences to write about. (Getting married and moving cross country, just for starters.) Was I too busy? Not really. Lack of motivation? Not even.

I figured it out tonight as I opened my laptop, determined to get this blog off the ground. See those buttons to the right linking to my social networks? Yeah, took me about two hours. (There are probably third graders who know more about HTML than I do.) Simply put, if it's not perfect, I don't want to look at it. I've always been this way, whether it was laying out my high school newspaper or nitpicking every detail of my wedding album.

Frankly, it's time to get over this. I recently started working as a freelance writer, helping businesses turn outdated Web copy into something fresh and conversational. I've learned that while Web design is extremely important, quality content is what's going to resonate with readers and sell products and services. It's the same with personal blogs, too.

A lot has changed since this empty blog was born. Those of you who know me know the title is inaccurate; I decided to keep my maiden name. (Not for any profound reason. I just like my name. It might change one day, when there are little Lu's. But for now, it's still London.) Also, I chose the title "Life of Lu" so Solomon and I could blog together. However, I now realize it's more likely my cat will write a blog than my husband. Still, it took way too long to figure out how to make the background on that title graphic transparent. So "Life of Lu" it is.

Anyway, thanks so much for reading and taking an interest in our life. For the record, I promise to write more. (But please hold me to it.)

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